Once upon a time...

Once upon a time...

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Toddler Thugs

This is the most expensive bad photo I've ever owned! It was December 17 and we had just come from Jacob's preschool Christmas program in which he was a tiger. He had eyeliner whiskers on his face that he didn't want to wash off and he wouldn't stop growling at people. Liam is usually terrified of anyone he's not related to, so I really wasn't sure how he was going to handle the whole 'Santa's lap' thing! To top it off, I didn't know that they would take multiple photos until you got one you liked. I just took the first one they snapped and this is what we got! They look like little hood rats! So, this is it! Our first trip to see Santa. I learned another important lesson this year; When you, in fact, take the kids to ask Santa for whatever they might want for Christmas, you have to buy them at least one thing they asked Santa for, or the whole charade will be ruined! I have always bought things throughout the year as I found stuff on clearance or what have you, and not bothered to really ask what they want. I guess I just figured they should be grateful to get anything and not complain ( I know, I know, things you swore you'd never say!) But now they are old enough to have specific things they want. So, on top of all the stuff I already had for them, my mom memtioned that I had better get what they asked Santa for! I had to go back to the stinkin' toy store the week before Christmas and wrestle with all those crazy people who apparently FORGOT that Christmas is on December 25, and are doing all their shopping in that week. Well, I've learned my lesson! Next year Paul will be dressing up as Santa the last week of August!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Funny...I havae an equally bad picture with that very same guy!! We did many takes and the best one we could get looks as if they are scared to death!!!