Once upon a time...

Once upon a time...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Throwing his weight around...all 8 pounds

When we moved to Houston Paul made me buy a used grey minvan. It was slightly banged and bruised, nondescript, and totally not me! But we wouldn't have a car payment and I didn't have to worry about door dings or stray shopping carts! So, we bought the stinkin' thing, OOps, I mean the practical thing from a slightly questionable man on the freeway north of our house. Paul promised me that if I would do the deed and drive the wretched beast for a couple of years, that he would buy me a cool car after I did my time. Well, he finally made good on the deal! We test drove this car just for fun, (that is a whole different story involving an overly flattering car sales woman and a squirrel who was in the wrong place at the wrong time!) and loved it. We bought the car on Ewan's due date (sept 15) and it arrived on the 18th! Paul
brought it home about 2 pm and Ewan was born about
10 pm. I told Paul "See! He was just waiting for the right
time! He was in there saying; 'I'm ready, but I'm not riding
around in that awful van! I'm not being born until you get
me something decent to drive!' "

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Happy Birthday!

Hi honey! I thought I'd send some photos of your other baby for your birthday! I hope you have a great day even if you don't get to spend time with the orange lady! I bet you're wondering how on earth I managed to set up a blog site!? Well, the simple answer is: I didn't! Cristina came down one morning and showed me how to turn on the computer and put a disk in the little drawer and all that stuff! I was really at quite a loss, but she's a great teacher (thanks sis)! I wanted to get you something for your birthday besides WWII books and t-shirts with offensive slogans on the front! Now you can keep up with your kids from work. That is, if I can manage to keep up with the blog site! I'll try my best! Here are some photos of your other kids!

- Jacob's school pictures turned out great! You can just see the mischief in his eyes! The picture of Ewan is one of his first little smiles. There's Jake introducing Ewan to Scooby Doo. And I have no idea what Liam is doing with that hat, but this little man keeps me laughing all day. Where does he get this stuff!?

Someone new for you to meet

Here he is! our new little guy! He's so cool.
Ewan James Anderson
born September 18, 2007
9:58 pm
8 lbs
21 1/4 inches long
This was our first home birth and it was absolutely wonderful. It was great to be in my own comfortable house and have Paul there to catch the baby. I feel truly blessed with the whole experience.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Memories of a forgotten waistline

Although I know it isn't true, I sometimes think that I have been pregnant for the last five years. I once made a Scrapbook page that was titled - "I have known Paul for twenty-seven months, I have been pregnant for 18 of them." Paul is such a hero! He has put up with dreadful mood swings, tears out of nowhere for no reason, not to mention extremely odd food cravings! He's played right along with the whole thing, though!! He must have eaten Chinese food about 5 nights a week when we were pregnant with Liam, and never complained. It was so hot this summer when I was getting really big with Ewan. Paul didn't even bat an eyelash when he asked what was for dinner one night and his answer was a teary; "yogurt and grapes". Having said all that, I enjoy being pregnant for the most part. I've never had morning sickness. Moodiness aside, I've never actually threatened to injure Paul or any of his vehicles. Other than a few questionable decorating choices, ( DO NOT choose paint colors or buy living room furniture in the third trimester) I feel pretty good when I'm pregnant. Not to mention the culmination of nine months hard labor is well worth the effort!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Proud Daddy

Look at this boy with his boys! If he's watching television with them, or taking a camping trip in the back yard complete with sleeping bags and flashlights, he is all daddy! It's hard sometimes on Paul and the boys when he's away for a long time, but they sure make up for lost time when he's back home! When Ewan was born in
September, Paul had those boys off and running every day! He took them to Sporting Goods stores (Sportsmans Warehouse and Specialty Sports are two local favorites), the nature trail, a drive to Denver and even to the mall to play on the indoor play park (and for those of you who know Paul, he DOES NOT go to the mall)! I especially appreciated all of those little day trips when Ewan was so tiny! I got to take a couple of naps, get caught up on laundry and just enjoy the general solitude that comes with boy-free house!

3 little boys, 3 little blessings

This picture represents the first time I took all three of these little guys out of the house by myself! It was a much smaller fiasco than I expected. I had been putting it off until the latest possible date, but when it came time, they were awesome. They stayed by me in the stores and didn't even argue about what to have for lunch! I could have planned it better, because having professional photos done on our very first outing was probably not the best idea I've ever had. Trying to get three little boys to sit still for 10 minutes ( or 10 seconds) is kind of a lost cause. Somehow we got through it, and ended up with some nice photos! I'll tell you what though; that is not happening every six months! We went and had our pictures taken, had lunch in the mall (entirely organic, of course) bought our halloween costumes and even went to the kids play area for a little while! I'm pleased to report that I never lost a kid or brought any extras home with us!