Once upon a time...

Once upon a time...

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Memories of a forgotten waistline

Although I know it isn't true, I sometimes think that I have been pregnant for the last five years. I once made a Scrapbook page that was titled - "I have known Paul for twenty-seven months, I have been pregnant for 18 of them." Paul is such a hero! He has put up with dreadful mood swings, tears out of nowhere for no reason, not to mention extremely odd food cravings! He's played right along with the whole thing, though!! He must have eaten Chinese food about 5 nights a week when we were pregnant with Liam, and never complained. It was so hot this summer when I was getting really big with Ewan. Paul didn't even bat an eyelash when he asked what was for dinner one night and his answer was a teary; "yogurt and grapes". Having said all that, I enjoy being pregnant for the most part. I've never had morning sickness. Moodiness aside, I've never actually threatened to injure Paul or any of his vehicles. Other than a few questionable decorating choices, ( DO NOT choose paint colors or buy living room furniture in the third trimester) I feel pretty good when I'm pregnant. Not to mention the culmination of nine months hard labor is well worth the effort!!!

1 comment:

Cristina said...

Well done on your blog! I'm so proud! And I LOVE these pics. You look awesome. Who cares about a waistline when you have three adorable little guys to show for it?!